Friday, May 16, 2008

Polonia and Latin Americans for Obama Polish Americans for Obama.

Polonia and Latin Americans for Obama Polish Americans for Obama.

Yes we have to talk.

This is how have ended the Cold War, by communication with Russia, with China.

We are all the same humans and the people of the world.
We have different governments and religion but the same principles are apply for human race.
If we have a problem within our family, we havet to talk and resolve problems.

Any action will cause some reaction negative or positive. This is just basic universal law of physics.
As a Polish American since 1987 in US did travel to USSR about 10 time back during the Cold War.

I have to tell you we had won because the communication with the people and the totalitarian government.
We did not had to provide a lot of arguments. People of USSR had made the own decision.

Can you just see the world that Iran and Venezuela will be the future friend of US
this is possible and Obama can do that.

Viva Obama

Alex Lech Bajan
Polish American
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